DONE WATCH-It seems EmpowerLA is doing its darndest to keep a lid screwed on a three-page…
Done with DONE and the City Attorney
GUEST COMMENTARY-Every Neighborhood Council has experienced it: Bad advice from the City Attorney. Conflicting advice from…
Must Read! Why the Subdivision of HCNC North Cannot be Allowed
VOICES—To Board of Neighborhood Commissioners–My name is Laura Velkei, I serve on the HCNC as the…
DONE: Should We Kill the Beast or Tame It?
by Guest Writer Tony Butka EASTSIDER-It is not a secret that the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment…
DONE Watch: Is Hermon’s NC a Lift Ticket for a Slippery Slope?
WHO THOUGHT THIS ONE UP? – Nestled in the Aroyo Seco lies Hermon (pop. 3,500), a…
A Broken System Whose Time is Over
By Laura Velkei The last few months have been brutal, painful and beyond disheartening. Knowing this,…
How LA’s Skid Row Got Screwed: Neighborhood Council Grievance Panels are a Fraud!
by Guest Writer Tony Butka EASTSIDER-A while ago I wrote an article on the Skid Row election, among…